Set your fourth-grade students up for math success with this fun, interactive fraction lesson from iKnowIt.com. In this online math game, children will practice fractions of sets. Questions are presented in drag-and-drop format, fill-in-the-blank format, and multiple-choice format to give students opportunities to practice fractions of sets in a variety of presentations. After completing this fourth-grade math activity, your students will become confident and proficient at fractions of sets.
Children will be challenged to solve math problems featuring different groups, or sets, of objects. Here are a few examples of the kinds of math questions students may be asked in this interactive activity: "Mrs. Shaban was looking for buttons to sew on the sweater she knitted. What fraction of the buttons she found had four holes?" "What fraction of the scissors are open?" "What fraction of the counters are purple?" "What fraction of the shapes are trapezoids?" and "Miss Coleman put out a basket of crayons for her students to use in a graphing center during math class. What fraction of the crayons were blue?" If students need a little help answering a math question, they can click on the "Hint" button in the lower-left corner of their practice screen. They will be shown a written or pictorial clue that will point them in the right direction without giving away the answer. When students answer a question incorrectly, a detailed explanation page will show them the right answer accompanied by an easy-to-understand explanation. Students will move through their math practice sessions learning from previous errors.
This fourth-grade fraction game, as well as all activities on iKnowIt.com, comes equipped with several handy features that help students make the most of their math practice session. For example, the progress-tracker in the upper-right corner of the practice screen tells students how many questions they have answered so far out of the total number of questions in the math lesson. The score-tracker beneath that lets students see how many points they have earned for correct answers. The speaker icon, opposite, indicates the program's read-aloud feature. Kids can click on this button to have the question read out-loud to them in a clear voice. This tool is an excellent resource for ESL/ELL students and students who are auditory processors. Each feature of the I Know It math lessons is designed with your students' math success in mind.
Elementary math teachers, homeschool educators, and school administrators alike enjoy using the I Know It math program with their students - we think you will too! When used alongside a comprehensive elementary math curriculum, I Know It provides a fun, educational forum for children to practice math skills. Teachers appreciate the wide variety of elementary math topics we cover across dozens of activities, from kindergarten through fifth grade. Every math activity on our website has been thoughtfully written by accredited elementary math teachers to meet at least one Common Core Standard, and often more. All math activities are categorized on iKnowIt.com by grade level and topic, making it easy to find and assign lessons in just a few clicks.
Adults aren't the only ones who love the I Know It math practice program—kids are big fans too! Students enjoy practicing math skills with our fun, interactive math activities designed to challenge, educate, and delight. Adorable, animated characters cheer students on in their math practice sessions; positive feedback messages encourage kids to keep trying even when they make mistakes; and math trophies awarded for new skills mastered make the program extra fun for little ones.
We hope you and your fourth-grade class will enjoy practicing fractions of sets in this interactive math activity! Be sure to check out the hundreds of other fourth grade math lessons we have available on our website as well.
Have you heard about the I Know It free trial offer? Take advantage of our free trial so you can try this fourth-grade fraction activity, or any math lesson on iKnowIt.com, at no cost for a full thirty days! We're confident you and your little ones will love the difference interactive math practice can make. When your free trial runs out, we hope you will consider joining the I Know It community as a member, so you can continue to enjoy the benefits of interactive math practice for a full calendar year. Did you know we have membership options for families, individual teachers, schools, and school districts? Explore our membership options and discover which I Know It membership is right for you: https://www.iknowit.com/order.html.
Your I Know It membership gives you access to the website's amazing administrator tools, which make it easy and efficient to monitor your students' math practice progress. Your administrator account will help you create a class roster, assign unique usernames and passwords to your students, give specific lesson assignments to different students, change basic lesson settings (such as pausing the animated characters), print, download, and email student progress reports, and more.
When students use their unique login credentials to access iKnowIt.com, they will be shown a kid-friendly version of the homepage. From here they can easily find the math practice activities you have assigned to them. In addition, kids can explore other math lessons at their grade level and beyond for additional practice or an extra challenge, if you choose to give them this option in your administrator settings. Grade levels in the student mode of I Know It are designated by letters instead of numbers (i.e., "Level D" for fourth grade), making it easy for you to assign math lessons based on each child's needs and skill level.
This online math lesson is classified as Level D. It may be ideal for a fourth-grade class.
4.NF.1, MA.3.FR.1.1, MA.3.FR.1.3, 4.3A
Number And Operations - Fractions
Extend Understanding Of Fraction Equivalence And Ordering.
Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n x a)/(n x b) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions.
Equivalent Fractions (Level D)
In this fourth grade-level math lesson, students will practice equivalent fractions. Questions are presented in fill-in-the-blank format and multiple-choice format.
Simplifying Fractions (Level D)
In this math lesson geared toward fourth-grade, students will practice simplifying fractions. Questions are presented in fill-in-the-blank format and multiple-choice format.