Writing Algebraic Expressions

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5th Grade Writing Algebraic Expressions GameFifth Grade Practicing Algebraic Expressions Game

Writing Algebraic Expressions Math Game

Students will practice writing algebraic expressions. This engaging math game will help students grasp basic algebra skills. In this interactive math lesson, students will accomplish the following tasks:

* Choose the phrase that matches the algebraic expression.

* Choose the algebraic expression that represents the situation in a word problem.

5th Grade Writing Algebraic Expressions LessonFifth Grade Practicing Algebraic Expressions Lesson

Math Practice Made Fun

Kids love using iKnowit.com interactive math games because that's exactly what our lessons feel like - an exciting math game! When math concepts are presented in a lively, kid-friendly format, learning becomes easy and fun for children!

When students answer math problems correctly, a cute animated character on the screen does a silly jig or an entertaining trick! When students answer math problems incorrectly, a detailed explanation page pops up with an easy-to-read graphic that shows how to solve the problem correctly next time.

Should students become "stuck," they can click the "Hint" icon in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. They will be shown a clue to help them figure out how to solve the math problem. The teacher or parent maintains the control over the hint feature, turning it on or off at will.

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Members who sign up for an iKnowit.com account will be able to access a variety of helpful features. Set up your class roster and add individual students to it. Then choose which math lessons you'd like to assign to each student individually. When a student logs in with his or her unique login code, he or she will see "Assignments from the Teacher" to work on. On the teacher's account, you will be able to see the scores and which problems your students had a difficult time with.

The student view of iKnowit is very kid-friendly. In addition to the "Assignments from the Teacher" tab at the top of the page, there will also be a section of recommended math topics to try out. Students won't be able to see which grade levels you assign them, so you can assign lessons at higher or lower grade levels if that's where some of your students are at.

Other administrative features you'll be able to access as a teacher or parent include whether you want your students to see animations, whether or not questions should be read out loud, and how many hints a student should get in each math lesson.

5th Grade Writing Algebraic Expressions ActivityFifth Grade Practicing Algebraic Expressions Activity

Teachers, Parents, and Homeschoolers...

There's so much to explore on iKnowit.com! We have hundreds of math lessons on popular math topics, such as Rounding Multi-Digit Numbers, Comparing Decimals, Ordering Decimals, Choose the Operations Word Problems, Area of Rectangles, and many more! To see more math games for fifth grade, please go to our Fifth Grade Math page.

Common Core Standard

5.OA.2, MA.5.AR.2.4, 5.4B
Operations And Algebraic Thinking

Write And Interpret Numerical Expressions.
Write simple expressions that record calculations with numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them. For example, express the calculation "add 8 and 7, then multiply by 2" as 2 x (8 + 7). Recognize that 3 x (18932 + 921) is three times as large as 18932 + 921, without having to calculate the indicated sum or product.

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