Students will practice basic addition and subtraction facts in this interactive math lesson geared toward kindergarten. In this drill-style activity, children will answer a mix of basic addition and subtraction facts within five. The goal of this online math activity is to help students become more proficient and confident in addition and subtraction fact fluency.
This kindergarten math facts activity is designed to give students the opportunity to practice a wide variety of addition and subtraction facts within five. Children may be required to answer "4+4=" or "2+4=" or "2-2=" among others. If little ones need a little extra help on a math fact, they can click on the "Hint" button. They will be shown a helpful picture, such as counters that represent the given math fact. When students answer a math fact incorrectly, a detailed explanation page will show them the correct answer along with an easy-to-understand explanation for how to obtain it so students can learn from mistakes.
This kindergarten addition and subtraction drill activity is equipped with several features that aid students' math practice experience. A progress-tracker in the upper-right corner of the practice screen shows students how many questions they have answered correctly in the lesson so far. A score-tracker lets students know how many points they have earned so far in the lesson. Plus, a speaker icon indicates the read-aloud feature; students can click the button and the math fact question will be read out loud to them in a clear voice. This is a great option for ESL/ELL learners and students who are auditory processors. All features in our math practice activities are designed with students' success in mind!
Elementary school teachers and homeschool educators love using the I Know It math practice program to supplement their traditional elementary math curriculum! Our program is an engaging and enriching way to get kids excited about math concepts. Teachers appreciate the quality of the math concepts we lay out in each practice activity. Choose from hundreds of math practice activities covering the most essential topics in an elementary math curriculum! All math lessons on I Know It are aligned to the Common Core Standard and are organized on the website by grade level and topic. We make it easy for teachers to find exactly what they are looking for and assign math practice activities to their students in just a few clicks!
Little ones, too, really love practicing math skills on iKnowIt.com! Everything about our program is designed to engage children with their math practice and get them excited about learning. From the whimsical animated characters who cheer students on in their math practice, to the age-appropriate emojis and positive messages that appear when students solve a math problem correctly, to the exciting opportunity to earn virtual math trophies for each new skill mastered, students are captivated by math practice on our program!
We hope you and your kindergarten class will have fun practicing basic addition and subtraction facts within five in this online math game! Be sure to check out the hundreds of kindergarten math lessons we have available on our website as well.
ake advantage of our free sixty-day trial offer to explore all the math activities I Know It has to offer! You and your students will experience firsthand the difference interactive math practice can make for a full sixty days—no credit card required! We're confident you will love the interactive math practice experience I Know It delivers! When your free trial runs out, we hope you will consider becoming a member of the I Know It community so you can continue to enjoy the benefits of our program for a full calendar year.
Your I Know It membership comes equipped with handy administrative features built to help you monitor your students' math practice progress easily and efficiently. You can create a class roster for your students, assign unique usernames and passwords to all your students, give different math practice assignments to individual students, change basic lesson settings, print, email, and download student progress reports, and much more!
When your students log into the I Know It website using their unique login credentials, they will be shown a kid-friendly version of the homepage, from which they can access their math practice assignments. If you allow the option in your administrator settings, students can also explore other math lessons at their grade level and beyond for additional practice or an extra challenge. Grade levels in the student mode of I Know It are labeled with letters instead of numbers, making it easy for you to assign lessons based on an individual child's needs and skill level.
This online math lesson is classified as Level K. It may be ideal for a kindergarten class.
K.OA.5, MA.K.AR.1.3, MA.K.NSO.3.1, K.2I
Operations And Algebraic Thinking
Understand Addition As Putting Together And Adding To, And Under- Stand Subtraction As Taking Apart And Taking From.
Fluently add and subtract within 5.
Addition and Subtraction to 5 (Level K)
In this kindergarten-level math lesson, students will practice addition and subtraction to five. Students will complete the math fact by filling in the blank or answering a multiple-choice question.
Addition and Subtraction to 10 (Level K)
In this math lesson geared toward kindergarten, students will practice addition and subtraction to 10. Students will complete the math fact by filling in the blank or answering a multiple-choice question.ikno