Help little ones learn to classify objects by color in this kindergarten math activity from iKnowIt.com! Children will analyze, compare, and sort objects by color as they build confidence and proficiency with basic shape recognition. Questions are presented in multiple-choice format and drag-and-drop format.
Here are a few examples of the types of questions your students may be presented with in this interactive math game. Students may be asked to "Drag all the yellow objects into the box." Another question may ask, "Which object belongs in this group?" Students will have to choose the item of the same color. Or students may be asked to sort objects by color into a T-chart: "Drag to sort the objects by color." If students need a little extra help solving a problem, they can click on the "Hint" button. The hint consists of a custom picture, such as a sample of all the colors of the rainbow for easy reference, to help children think about the question in a new way without giving away the answer. When students answer a question incorrectly, a detailed explanation page will show them the correct answer accompanied by an easy-to-understand explanation. The goal is to help little ones learn from their mistakes and improve as they progress through the math activity.
This classifying objects lesson is equipped with several handy features that help children make the most out of their math practice session. For example, a progress-tracker in the upper-right corner of the practice screen shows students how many questions they have answered out of the total number of questions in the math lesson. A score-tracker beneath that lets students view how many points they have earned for correct answers so far. The speaker icon in the upper-left corner of the practice screen indicates the read-aloud feature. Students can click the button to hear the question read out loud to them in a clear voice. This is a wonderful option for ESL/ELL students and children who are auditory processors. Every I Know It lesson feature is designed with your students' success in mind!
If you are an elementary teacher, homeschool educator, or school administrator looking for an interactive, engaging math practice program to use alongside your comprehensive elementary math curriculum, you will definitely want to try iKnowIt.com! Educators everywhere are loving the interactive math practice experience offered by the I Know It online math program. Teachers appreciate the wide variety of math practice activities available in our collection. Choose from dozens of Common Core-aligned math lessons in kindergarten through fifth grade. Find and assign math activities to help children understand the foundational math concepts presented in elementary math curriculum. We think you will love using our program, but you're not the only ones!
Students, too, love practicing math skills on iKnowIt.com! We make math practice fun, engaging, and exciting. From cute animated characters featured throughout the math lessons to math awards presented for every new skill mastered, our program helps kids feel confident in their math abilities and grow their skills along the way!
We hope you and your kindergarten class will have fun learning how to classify objects by color in this online math game! Be sure to check out the hundreds of kindergarten math lessons we have available on our website as well.
When you sign up for our free trial offer, you and your class will be able to explore every math practice activity on I Know It at no cost for a full thirty days—plenty of time to discover why our program makes all the difference! When your free trial runs out, we hope you won't hesitate to join our community as a member, so your students will continue to reap the benefits of interactive math practice for a full calendar year. Visit our membership information page to explore our different membership options. We have membership packages for families, individual teachers, schools, and school districts. Find the perfect I Know It membership for you: https://www.iknowit.com/order.html.
Your I Know It membership unlocks our program's awesome administrative features. These tools will help you create a class roster for your students, assign unique login credentials to all of your students, give specific math practice assignments to different students, change basic lesson settings, print, download, and email student progress reports, and much more.
When your students log into I Know It with their unique username and password, they will be shown a kid-friendly version of the website. From here they can quickly and easily access the math activities you have assigned to them for practice. Students can also explore other math activities at their grade level and beyond for extra practice or an added challenge if you choose to give them this option through your administrator settings. Grade levels in the student mode of I Know It are labeled with letters instead of numbers, making it easy for you to assign math lessons based on each child's needs and skill level.
This online math lesson is classified as Level K. It may be ideal for a kindergarten class.
K.G.B.4, MA.K.DP.1.1, K.6E
Analyze, Compare, Create, And Compose Shapes.
Analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts (e.g., number of sides and vertices/"corners") and other attributes (e.g., having sides of equal length).
Patterns (Level K)
In this kindergarten-level math lesson, students will practice identifying patterns. Questions are presented in multiple-choice and drag-and-drop format.
Classifying Objects by Size (Level K)
In this math lesson geared toward kindergarten, students will practice classifying objects by size. Questions are presented in multiple-choice format and drag-and-drop format.