Are your kindergarten students ready to practice comparing objects to five? We think your whole class will love this interactive math practice activity! Students will be shown two sets of objects, such as butterflies, counters, and cubes, and they will be asked to identify which group has "fewer," or "more." Questions are presented in a multiple choice format.
Students may be asked, "Which set has fewer apples?" "Which set has fewer counters?" and "Which set has more cubes?"
I Know It is an interactive math practice website designed to help elementary-aged students become more proficient and confident in their math skills, including comparing objects to five. Teachers enjoy using our online math program because of our easy-to-navigate website layout, helpful administrative tools, and quality educational content. Students like I Know It because their math practice comes alive with whimsical animated characters, encouraging feedback, and a motivating award system.
When your students practice comparing objects to five in this I Know It interactive math activity, several lesson features are available to help them make the most of their math practice session. A progress-tracker in the upper-right corner of the practice screen shows students how many questions they've answered so far, and a score-tracker beneath that shows them how many questions they've answered correctly. Students can click the hint button if they need a little extra help solving the math problem; they will be shown a written or pictorial clue that will help them answer the question. If students get an answer wrong, a detailed explanation page will pop up with a custom illustration, showing them how to solve the question correctly. This allows students to learn from their mistakes as they progress through the lesson.
Teachers of ESL/ELL students, as well as students who excel at auditory learning, appreciate our read-aloud option, indicated by the speaker icon in the upper-left corner of the student practice screen. When students click the button, the question is read aloud to them in a clear voice.
We hope you and your class will give this kindergarten comparing objects lesson a try today! Be sure to browse our complete collection of math topics available on I Know It! We have hundreds of interactive math activities to choose from!
When you sign up for a free (30-day) trial of iKnowIt.com, your students will be able to try out this kindergarten math lesson on comparing objects to five at no cost. Your students can explore all the math practice activities on I Know It for free, but please know they will be capped at a maximum of twenty-five questions per day in the free-trial mode. To have complete and unlimited access to all math lessons and administrative features on iKnowIt.com, you will need to become a paying member of the website.
As a member of iKnowIt.com, you will enjoy unlimited access to all areas of our website, including handy administrative features that will help you get the most out of the practice program with your class. For example, create a class roster and add your students to it; assign individual user names and passwords to your students; monitor student progress with detailed reports; assign specific lessons to individual students; download, email, or print student progress reports; and change lesson settings (including turning off character animations).
When your students log into I Know It with their unique user name and password, they will be shown a kid-friendly homepage where they can easily access all their assignments, as well as explore other math lessons at their grade level or different grade levels. (The grade levels in the I Know It student-mode appear as "Level A," "Level B," "Level C," and so on, allowing you to discreetly assign lessons based on the individual student's skill level.
This interactive math lesson is categorized as a 'Level K' lesson. It may be ideal for your kindergarten or first grade students.
K.CC.C.6, MA.K.NSO.1.2, MA.K.NSO.1.4, 5.2E
Counting And Cardinality
Compare Numbers.
Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies.1
Comparing Digits to Five (Level K)
In this kindergarten-level math lesson, students will practice comparing numbers up to five, identifying the number that is "greater than," "less than," or "equal to."
Compare Objects to Ten (Level K)
Students will practice comparing objects to ten in this kindergarten-level math lesson. Students will identify which group of objects has "fewer" and which group of objects has "more."