Get ready to practice converting units of time with your third grade class! Students will practice converting days to weeks, hours to days, minutes to hours, and so on in this digital math game. Here are a few sample math questions your students may be expected to answer in this telling time activity:
As students work their way through the math activity, they can count on plenty of handy features to help them make the most out of their math practice session:
All of these features have been carefully designed to help your third grade students achieve more in their online math practice.
Give your class a reason to get excited about math practice with interactive math games from I Know It! Whether you are an elementary math teacher, homeschool educator, or school administrator, we're confident you will love using the I Know It online math program with your students. Check out a few highlights of our program from an educator's perspective:
Students, too, have lots to love about the I Know It digital math program:
We hope you and your students will enjoy converting units of time in this online math lesson. Be sure to browse the hundreds of other 3rd grade elementary skill practice lessons in our collection as well.
Looking for a way to "test the waters" and see if the I Know It digital math practice program is right for you and your class? Sign up for a free thirty-day trial and try out this telling time game, as well as all of the math lessons available on our website, at no cost for a full thirty days! We're confident you and your students will love experiencing the difference interactive math practice can make. In fact, when your free trial ends, we hope you won't hesitate to join our community as a member. This way, your class can continue to enjoy the benefits of digital math practice for a full calendar year. We offer membership options for families, individual teachers, schools, and school districts. Visit our membership information page for details: https://www.iknowit.com/order.html.
Your I Know It membership unlocks the program's extensive administrator tools. You will discover a plethora of handy features in your parent or teacher administrator account that help you create a class roster and add your students to it, change basic math lesson settings, monitor student progress with detailed statistics, print, download, and email student progress reports, and much more. These administrator tools serve to help you customize your class's math practice experience.
Your students will log into I Know It with their unique username and password. From a kid-friendly version of the homepage, they can quickly find and launch math activities you have assigned to them for practice. If you choose to give them permission through your parent or teacher administrator account, students can also explore other math activities at their grade level and beyond for additional practice or an extra challenge. Grade levels in the student mode of I Know It are labeled with letters instead of numbers (i.e., "Level C" for third grade), making it easy for you to assign math lessons based on each child's needs and skill level.
This math lesson is categorized as Level C. It may be ideal for a third grade class.
3.MD.1, MA.4.M.1.2, MA.5.M.1.1, 3.7C
Measurement And Data
Solve Problems Involving Measurement And Estimation Of Intervals Of Time, Liquid Volumes, And Masses Of Objects.
Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a number line diagram.
Telling Time (Nearest 5 Minutes) (Level C)
In this third grade-level math lesson, students will practice telling time to the nearest five minutes. Questions are presented in multiple-choice format and fill-in-the-blank format.
Telling Time (Nearest Minute) (Level C)
In this math lesson geared toward third grade, students will practice telling time to the nearest minute. Questions are presented in fill-in-the-blank format and multiple-choice format.