Learning how to tell time to the nearest five minutes is exciting and fun in this interactive math activity from iKnowIt.com! Your students will practice telling time to the nearest five minutes using analog clocks in this online math lesson geared toward a third-grade difficulty level. Questions are presented in multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank format.
The telling time math questions your students will answer will help them practice their time skills in a variety of contexts. One question may ask "What time is shown on the clock?" Students must read the analog clock and select the correct answer from the multiple choices below. Another question may ask "Which clock shows 5:55?" Students must choose the correct analog clock picture from the multiple choices below. If students get stuck on one of the math questions, they can click the "Hint" button on their practice screen. The hint consists of a written clue that will help students choose the correct answer. For the example asking, "Which clock shows 5:55?" the hint tells students "The minute hand will be on the eleven, showing fifty-five minutes past the hour." If students answer incorrectly, they will be shown a detailed explanation page. For the same example, the explanation page will show the analog clock displaying the correct time, along with a written explanation: "The clock with the correct answer has the hour hand between five and six. The hour is five. The minute hand is on the eleven. The minutes are 55. The clock above shows 5:55." Students can move through the lesson learning from their mistakes.
Additional features in this this third-grade math lesson help students maximize their math practice experience. A progress-tracker on the screen shows students how many questions they have answered out of the total number of questions in the lesson. A score-tracker shows them how many questions they have answered correctly so far. The speaker icon can be clicked for the read-aloud feature. This is a great option for ESL/ELL students and students who excel at auditory learning.
Teachers and students alike enjoy using the I Know It math program to supplement their traditional math curriculum. Educators appreciate the wide variety of math lessons we offer in a range of topics, from telling time to place value. Our kindergarten through fifth grade math practice activities are all aligned to the Common Core Standard and are organized by grade level and topic. It’s easy to find the exact content you want when you need it! Students enjoy practicing their math skills on I Know It because our program presents as a fun, yet challenging, math game. Students meet silly animated characters in their math lessons, ready to cheer them on as they answer each question correctly. The opportunity to earn awards for their "trophy case" gives students incentive to master new math skills along the way.
We hope you and your third-grade class will enjoy trying this telling time math activity! Be sure to check out the hundreds of other math lessons we have available on our website as well.
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Your I Know It membership will unlock the handy administrative features that help you track your students’ progress through their math practice. You can create a class roster and add your students to it, assign unique usernames and passwords to all of your students, give different lesson assignments to individual students, check in on your students’ progress using our detailed reports, print, download, and email progress reports for yourself and parents, plus much more.
When your students log into the website, they will be shown a kid-friendly version of the homepage. From here they can easily access their lesson assignments, as well as explore other math lessons for extra practice. Math lesson grade levels are displayed as "Level A," "Level B," etc. in student mode, making it easy for you to assign lessons based on each child’s skill level.
This online math lesson is classified as Level C. It may be ideal for a third-grade class.
2.MD.7, MA.2.M.2.1, 2.9G
Measurement And Data
Work With Time And Money.
Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m.
Time to the Nearest Minute (Level C)
In this third grade-level math lesson, students will practice telling time to the nearest minute. Questions are presented in multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank format.
Converting Units of Time (Level C)
In this math lesson geared toward third-grade, students will practice converting units of time. Students may be asked to convert minutes to hours, or hours to days. Questions are presented in drag-and-drop format and fill-in-the-blank format.