Build Shapes with Play Dough

Help little ones get their basic geometry skills in top shape with a fun, hands-on math activity to kick off the new year. Grab a pack of play dough and get ready to build 2D and 3D shapes. You and your students are going to love this activity! Read on to find out more. Read More 

Christmas Number Bonds

Get in the holiday spirit with a festive math activity featuring basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with number bonds. In our December blog post, we've got a couple adorable, holiday-themed printable worksheets ready for you to use with your students for some Christmas number bonds practice. Read on to find out more. Read More 

Play a Rounding Game with a Deck of Cards

Put your students' rounding skills to the test with an easy and fun rounding game you can play with a deck of cards! Your students will practice rounding to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand, and the nearest tenth, hundredth, and thousandth with this interactive math activity. Grab a pack of playing cards and get ready to practice rounding! Read on to find out more. Read More 

Football Addition and Subtraction Games

Football season is here! Turn your team into addition and subtraction champions with fun football-themed activities. Your players will practice basic addition and subtraction with three football activities that will put their knowledge of math facts to the test. Each of the following activities includes a printable worksheet file so you can make a game plan and get your players right into the game. Read on to find out more. Read More 

Hula Hoop Math Skills

Looking for a fun way to mix up your classroom math practice routine for the new school year? Pick out some hula hoops and check out these clever ways to practice math skills with your class. From telling time to adding and subtracting with number bonds, you can keep your students in the math skills loop with a few hula hoops! Read on to find out more. Read More